Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Day 2 - April 25

Spent the morning out at Paradise Valley Community College - again, thanks to Alan's chauffeuring. Met with Jennifer Strickland, a young woman who attempts to support the whole academic development at her campus. We shared views on a number of issues, including emergent technologies, staff development, levels of support and resourcing, etc.

The Paradise Valley CC also uses the Maricopa ePort developed by Audree Thurman, and jennifer showed me a number of examples of both staff and student pages. The impression I got was that she is finding it difficult and somewhat frustrating getting staff to make the pedagogic shift to see ePortfolios as more than an online showcase. Perhaps one of the more early adopters is the teacher education programme. Since it is a requirement for all teacher ed graduates to have a portfolio to present to potential emplyers, an electronic version seems like a natural shift.

Am off this afternoon to the airport for my flight to Atlanta (via Denver), and another (I think) 3 hour shift in time zone. Don't expect that to be too difficult. Then tomorrow morning I pick up my first rental car and straight into the driving. Am a bit daunted about my first prospect being to drive from the airport through downtown Atlanta to find Duluth, on the northern side of the city.

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