Monday, April 24, 2006

Day 1 - Monday April 24

Two Sundays in a row was rather weird - left at 4pm Sunday, had an overnight flight and arrived in LA at 9am Sunday. A reasonable flight, but never enough sleep for me - maybe three hours. Alan persuaded me to cancel my rental car so he could drive all over the place. I feel a bit of a fraud, as I'm putting off the moment of truth when I have to start driving myself and navigating through cities. That feeling only lasted a few minutes as I let him drive me all day though my jetlag haze.

These were two classes of students I talked with - one in a Physics class designing and building model fly-wheel cars, and the other a graphics design class. Both are using the locall-built Maricopa ePort tool, which seems to be very versatile and widely-adopted at the various campuses.

Of course there has also been the opportunity to call at one of Alan's favourite lunch spots, though unfortunately the bar-b-q wings weren't quite ready yet. The other picture is the truck that called to unblock their shower. I thought maybe it was just for people on a lonely weekend with some time on their hands.

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