Wednesday, November 30, 2005
November 30 - Berlin
Asia/Pacific forum
Today at the Hotel Schweitzerhof for the Asia/Pacific forum. They say there are over 100 attendees - a relatively small room, but quite small, so the number probably stacks up.
The day has been organised by the Learntel company of Australia, of which Carol Daunt (learning forward in photo) is the prime mover. Also shown in shot at the lecturn in Gerry White, the CEO of, a leading Australian provider of consultancy services in Australia. Gerry opened and managed the forum.
Speakers at the forum included representatives of e-learning providers at either Government or Tertiary level from the following countries - Malaysia, India, Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and of course new Zealand (yours truly). Presentation time was very limited, and I seemed to be given the 5-minute bell when only half way through. either that or I had just prattled on for so long they were desperate to get me off.